If you are new to retail construction Brisbane then you could be wondering what it is and how it can help you. It is simply constructing or building a retail space. Building a retail space comes with unique obstacles that other types of construction projects do not have. Here are a few things you need to know about constructing a retail space.

What does constructing a retail space entail?

Construction of a retail space involves building a store or renovating a store, restaurant or any other commercial area. Although the projects require special attention, a lot of commercial construction companies offer these services.

What makes the construction of a retail space unique?

Every commercial project faces environmental and zoning restrictions. However, commercial space builders face a more challenging task when constructing a retail space because they have to consider everything about their interaction with customers.

Commercial construction companies should meet all the regulations of commercial construction whilst also creating an efficient and safe space for consumers and following the marketing guidelines. The additional considerations compound when you wish to construct multiple retail locations in different places, yet maintain the same feel and look for all of them. This is also the case with franchised businesses.

E.g., building a freestanding structure for one location of your restaurant franchise and retrofitting your existing space in your strip mall for another comes with a lot of challenges. This is why you need to work with a construction company with the necessary experience to deal with the challenges. Crafting the two spaces to give clients a convenient and consistent experience with your brand needs two different construction plans that lead to the same results. That is just two locations but if you add a third location with a difficult landlord, you can see how the project will get complex. Experienced contractors can handle these challenges. They can even navigate all the unexpected changes and regulations to deliver the final results.

Trends in retail construction

The industry is full of trends and here are some of the most common trends you need to know.

Health and Safety

Some of the recent changes in the industry have helped reduce the spread of illnesses. Future construction projects in the retail sector should expect more ventilation, larger spaces, touchless technology and dividers.


You should expect more integration when it comes to technology. Businesses have seen an increased number of cashier-less shopping and wireless payment methods. More retail storefront tech innovations are reshaping inventory systems, retail security systems and digital signage. Retail construction companies need the agility to adapt to the latest technology as fast as possible.

Delays and costs

It is important to plan for higher retail construction Brisbane expenses and supply delays. As the supply backlog is in recovery mode from the delays caused by the pandemic, a new threat to supply chains is emerging. Physical impediments and political sanctions stemming from the war in Ukraine could also have long-term effects on the supply chains globally, including those used to buy building materials. It is therefore important to plan for higher budgets.