Advertising is the branch of communications that is responsible for creating strategies to publicize products or services of various brands, in order to generate sales or create awareness about a particular issue. Within advertising, several characteristics differentiate it from other branches of communication. Next, in this article SAVV Digital will tell you the 10 most important characteristics of advertising.

Advertising can be presented by various means of communication, both traditional and digital media. Regardless of the chosen medium, advertising usually has as its main purpose to position a brand in the mind of the consumer. To achieve this, it has a series of characteristics, which are the following.

Respond to a marketing strategy

All advertising action is part of a marketing plan carefully created to meet the different brand objectives. Therefore, it can be said that advertising responds to a previous strategy and is a fundamental part of the way to meet the established marketing objectives.

Have defined objectives 

No digital advertising action is carried out without a particular purpose. From publicizing a product to increasing followers on social networks; advertising campaigns are always developed with one or more set objectives. These objectives can be defined in the marketing strategy in a general way, however, there are specific objectives for each advertising action that is part of the strategy.

Is persuasive

To achieve its objectives, advertising makes use of persuasion in order to convince its consumers to take certain actions concerning the promoted product or service. In this way, the advertising messages achieve the objectives set.

Targets a specific audience

Advertising focuses its efforts on a certain type of audience according to the needs of its customers, for this, the target audience is segmented according to their characteristics such as age, socioeconomic level, gender, geographical location, etc. It is extremely important to know the target audience in order to carry out an advertising campaign that connects with your audience.

Requires investment

Although there are many ways to advertise organically, that is, without payment in between, however, developing an advertising campaign requires an investment of time and resources to achieve the best results. In addition, the purchase of media, especially in traditional channels, usually has very high prices and requires a large economic investment.

Make use of creative resources

This is the most exciting and fun part of advertising. It is necessary to use creativity to create novel messages that attract the attention of the public and differentiate themselves from other campaigns developed by the competition. Innovative formats and resources are used to cause the surprise effect and captivate the audience with the advertising message.

Use repetition

In order to generate a memory of the brand in the mind of the target audience, it is intended that the advertising message is exposed a large number of times to the audience. Either using the same format or using different channels, the target audience must be exposed to enough impacts so that they can remember the message that the brand wants to give them.

Offer personalized messages

Thanks to technology, it is possible to make personalized messages for each type of audience, according to their particular needs and characteristics. These personalized content are usually sent through emails, advertising on social networks, text messages or personalized advertisements on the web. The advantage of this is that it generates users a feeling of closeness and they feel relevant, however, it can also generate negative effects such as a feeling of invasion of privacy.

Advertising must be ethical

Advertising can be a very powerful tool, which is why it must be regulated by entities that ensure the safety of consumers and the general public. These organizations ensure that advertisers practice honesty, are transparent with the messages they spread and do not misuse communications to persuade the public negatively.

Advertising is versatile

As the years go by, this characteristic becomes more noticeable, since, as society and technologies evolve, advertising adapts to a new style of communication. From changes in the format to changes in the media; The versatility of advertising has no limits and continues to surprise us over time.

As you can see, advertising has many characteristics that reflect its essence and make it a very powerful and creative branch of communications. Remember that as it can be very positive for brands, it must be used with great responsibility.