We all need a website but a website design agency will tell you that there is no point in having a website if it does not draw in new customers. So many people have a website designed for them and then, do not do anything to market the website. A website, no matter how good or how beautiful it is, needs to be marketed. Nobody is going to find the website unless it is marketed. There are many ways for a website to be noticed, some more simple than others. We will start with the simple ways first.

Website content

The content of your website is extremely important and a website design must include content that includes SEO. You can have the best content in the world, written by the best writer in the world, but if the content does not include SEO and key words that people will use to find your site, the site is not going to draw in customers. And these keywords and SEO must be tethered to your site. All this can be done as part of the website design and it does not cost anything extra. So that is one simple way to get your website noticed.

Website visuals

It is important to have visuals on your website, good quality photographs and even, or should we say especially, to have a video or two. Good visuals are important as customers like looking at photographs and galleries. But do you know that your visuals should have descriptions which goes under ‘content.’ And that these descriptions should include SEO or key words where possible. And again, these should be tethered. And again, this is part of your website design? Another simple way to get your website noticed.

Website video

Video is a huge marketing tool and a website can have a video attached to it. The video should be professionally made which by the way, is no longer expensive. Customers love to watch videos that are short, sharp and to the point. And for a video to get noticed, you got it, it needs to have SEO and key words. A video has a title, sub titles and credits. A video has content.

Website ads

Digital ads are a huge part of drawing customers to a website. An SEO company or a website design company will create digital ads for you, fill them with content and SEO but still keep them small and short, and through the ads will draw customers to your website. When you have a website designed or refurbished, your website design company will be able to do these digital ads for you. It is part of digital marketing and the ads will bring you the customers and attention that you need. You pay for digital ads but they can be done in a way that meets your budget. Chat to the specialists. A website design agency can create a new website for you, or refurbish yours, and direct traffic your way.