No one starts Northern Beaches yoga classes as a professional. It takes time and practise. Part of the practise is learning from your mistakes. You should, therefore, consider learning from some of the most common mistakes people make regularly.

Holding your breath

This is the most common mistake that people make during yoga. When students try to get the yoga pose right, trying to balance and concentrate, they hold their breath. This is wrong because holding your breath prevents energy from flowing freely and this creates tension and stress. This is the opposite of what yoga is all about. If you find that you are holding your breath, it is a sign that you are pushing yourself too hard.

Whether you are lying down, standing on one leg or lying upside down, you need to maintain a steady breath. If you find yourself out of breath, you should take a short break to regain control of your breathing and join the class once you have fully recovered.

Not using props

Straps, blankets, bolsters, and blocks are props that support your practise. Everyone has different injuries, different anatomy, and limitations. Props help you modify your yoga practice to suit your body. Using a blanket or block to prop yourself up in the seated yoga pose is not a weakness but it is smart. Using straps to bind your hands behind your back or reach your feet is intelligent. You can use props to access the yoga pose and target the right area of your body in a yoga studio. They can help you go deeper in a yoga pose and protect you from injury.

The downward pose

This is a technical yoga pose. Your whole body is involved and will need to work in harmony to ensure you align your body correctly. This is a pose that a lot of people have struggled with during their beginner classes.

Now, the mistake happens when you make a U shape instead of a V shape. Your spine should be straight and not curved. When you curve your spine, you will place a lot of weight on your wrists and shoulders and this can cause injuries. You should straighten your spine by bending your knees and pushing your thighs and hips back. If your hamstrings are tight then you can keep your knees bent. Make sure you push more weight into your legs to reduce the distribution of weight in your upper body. You should aim for a 40% weight distribution in the arms and 60% weight distribution in your legs. If you are unsure about the pose then you should consult with your teacher.

Protect your wrists

If you are not careful in Northern Beaches yoga classes, you can end up with sore wrists and even end up with injuries when doing the downward-facing dog. If you feel pain when doing any yoga pose, you need to stop immediately and ask your yoga teacher for help. Putting a lot of strain on your wrist can result in wrist pain so you should push more weight back into your legs.