A soldier, even if well prepared, fails to win the battle if he does not abide by the rules. The board exams are something similar. Even the students, who give it their best, sometimes fail to score well.  The Dday of the exam makes them nervous, and they suddenly forget everything that they had learnt. It is also very common for them to go through the questions in haste, and hence forget to answer some.  

Here are some Dos and Don’ts for the battleground of boards.

The Dos  

Arrive early: You should reach the venue of the exam well before time so that there is no last minute

haste and stress. When you reach early, you have ample of time to calm yourself. 

Go through the instructions: You should always properly go through the instructions given during the

time provided too you. To answer the questions properly, you cannot ignore the instructions.

Budget your time: You would have taken mock tests and solved the previous years questions using some of the available CBSE NCERT Solution. So you know how much time you should be spending on each question. Keep less time for the short answer type question and more for the long type ones. Divide your time in such a way that you are able to answer every question.

Spare stationary: You should always keep some extra stationery. Even if a pen runs out of ink or you misplace your pencil, you will have an extra supply of it. Knowing you have everything you need, will make you calmer.

Watch the word limitThe word limits are different for different questions. Try and stick to the word

limit mentioned and do not go overboard.

Revise your paperWhen you are done answering every question, try to revise and check whether you

have attempted the compulsory questions and also possible errors and spelling mistakes.  


Say no to eleventh hour revision Say no to last moment revision. It generally crams your mind and confuses you rather than making you confident. Stay calm and have confidence in what you haveprepared.

Avoid gossips and group You should avoid unnecessary chitchat about the exams and the preparation of others. Nervous people tend to transfer the negative energy and make you nervous too. Stay focused and positive.

Avoid stressIf you do not know the answer to a question try to go to the next one. Try not to panic and

stress yourself.

Avoid being distracted Focus on yourself and not on what others are doing. You will get marks for

what you write.  

Avoid many corrections Try to maintain a neat answer sheet. Avoid scribbling and too much use of


Hope that following these rules will help you score well in the boards.  

Best Of luck!