Load controllers Arizona have been getting more popular because they are a very effective way to ensure your energy usage does not exceed a certain amount. APS and SRP energy customers who have considered using solar panels have been made aware of load controllers by the companies installing and selling solar panels. More than ever, it has become a very important part of the solar system. Before we can get into the solar system aspect, let us take a step back and illustrate the basics of what load controllers are and their cons and pros.

What is a load controller?

Load controllers are devices that put a cap on how much power usage a home can use at a given time. They tie into your electrical panel and limit how much electric energy your home can draw at a particular time. Let us say it is the middle of summer at 5 pm and your TV is on full blast. You start preparing dinner with your electric oven and you are using hot water, turning on your electric water heater.

These loads are running at one time and this would send a signal to your controller that your electric power demand is exceeding the rating of your load controller and the controller would start turning off your appliances and AC level to level off your electric usage.

This can immediately be a turn-off to some people because the energy management system will be turning off the appliances they are using. No one wants their load controller to shut off their air conditioner during the hottest part of the day. However, if you want to reduce your electric power usage, this is necessary.

Controllers on SRP and APS homes

When you look at a load controller from a different perspective, from the point of view of SRP and APS, they are great. One of the top problems SRP and APS have is meeting the energy demand during peak demand. During the summer, peak demand is when people come home and blast the AC, start washing dishes and cooking and doing their thing.

The load on the goes up to a point of capacity and this gets the APS worried that they’ll have to build a different power plant which is very expensive and sits idle most of the time because it is only used during peak demand.

Cons of load controllers

Load controllers force people to shut off their AC during hot days. They also force homeowners to change their lifestyles to avoid paying high energy bills. Load controllers are not ideal for people that work from home.

Pros of load controllers

While load controllers Arizona have their cons, they also have a lot of pros and that is why they are widely used by homeowners. Load controllers reduce energy demand at peak hours. They are also good for homeowners that leave for work during the day. They work in tangent with well-insulated and well-sealed homes to reduce the cooling requirements.