We all are born with hairs, and unlike plants, we do not have to plant any seeds on our scalps for them to grow. Natural hair care and healthy nutrition are all that is wanted for strong and healthy hairs. The way our hair looks, have a lot of impact on our self-esteem.

It is our dream to have beautiful hair. We spend hours at the hairdresser and beauty shops, ensuring that our hair looks beautiful. We all want thick, bouncy and beautiful hairs on our scalps. We admire celebrities strut their hairs flipping flawlessly, but we hardly know their secrets in achieving the volume and thickness.

You may be wondering that hair care is something very hard to do, but it is not the case. It is all in the ways we do it and do it in the right way. Here are some valued beauty tips for hair:

  • Beautiful hair depends on a healthy diet. Just like our entire body, our hair too needs proper nutrition to grow and look beautiful. Nutrition deficiency could always lead to brittle, weak, and unattractive-looking hairs. Have a healthy diet rich in Vitamin A, B, C, E, and minerals.
  • Take care of the scalps. Scalp on your head is like the skin on your body. Keep it clean to avoid the build-up of natural oil and dirt. It could lead to the build-up of dandruff and clogged hair follicles, further causing hair loss and hair thinning. Get skin therapy via scalp messages to help the scalp skin retain luster and stay healthy.
  • Protect the hairs from breaking. Treating the hairs gently would ensure less breakage, damage, and hair fall. Always detangle the hairs before shampooing and avoid brushing while they are wet. Do not tie your hairs too tight. This can damage the roots and cause falls. Also, you can shift from cotton pillows to satin or silk ones.
  • Do not heat your hair. Things like hot water and hot air could damage the hairs, strip the scalp of natural oils, and dry them. To clean your hair, make use of some light shampoo and lukewarm water. Finishing with cold water. To dry your hairs with water, dab dries with a soft towel and allow them to dry naturally.
  • Use hair conditioners. To get the maximum effect from your hair conditioner, leave it on the hair for the required time, approximately five minutes.
  • Trim your hair regularly. If you wanted your hair to grow, and grow healthy, you should regularly get your hair trimmed. The style of trimming can be matched as per your face.

The Gut-Hair Relation

The gastrointestinal flora – the bacteria that live in our digestive tract, are the beneficial lot that helps guide, protect and nourish the health of our entire body, right from the toe to the hair on our head.

A small imbalance in the gut microbiome (the colony of bacteria that house in our gut) means that out hair follicles may not be getting all that it needs (nutrients) to fuel them. Inflammation in the gut could lead to inflammation in the hair follicles and nutrient deficiency are the biggest obstacle to optimal hair health. All the more, it is these bacteria that make new nutrients for use by the body and hair as well, such as Vitamin K and some of the components of B Vitamins – both know to support great hair health.

Overall, it can be summed that good gut health, not only supports the production of a few valuable nutrients that are vital for healthy hair growth but also supports the hormones that maintain certain conditions in our body that favor healthy hair growth. A balanced gut bacterium helps to balance inhospitable bacteria that may lead to thinning and loss of hairs.

Our hair is perhaps the first feature that everyone notices about us. The health and beauty of our hair are vital for us to represent our image, including our professional, social, and cultural affiliations. Unfortunately, many of us do not understand this, and as a result, suffer from various hair and scalp problems, and primarily with hair loss. But fortunately, there are effective and natural hair treatments that we all can take help of:

  1. Nourish your hairs with eggs: Eggs can be used on hairs to condition them. Dry and brittle hairs can be treated with egg whites, as it helps the hairs moisturize. Apply a whole egg mixture over your hairs and leave it for around 20 minutes, rinse. Do it regularly and see the difference.
  2. The bottle gourd treatment: Bottle gourd can do wonders for your hairs and skin. Extract some juice from bottle gourd, apply on your hairs and leave for approximately 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water. It helps in skin rejuvenation, along with promoting healthy and shiny hair growth.
  3. Baking soda therapy: this therapy helps your hair to get rid of all foreign particles including harsh shampoos and creams that you apply on it. Make a mixture of baking soda with some water. Rinse the hair with it after you have shampooed them. Allow it to sit for 5 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
  4. Make your natural homemade conditioner: Mix eggs with yogurt for a protein-packed conditioner. Rub it on your scalp and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes and then wash it off completely.
  5. The sun-damaged hair: Want to replenish the keratin protein of your hair? Make a mixture of honey, olive oil, and egg. Apply on your hair and wait for 20 minutes before your rinse with cold water. The mixture is a sort of advanced skin care formula that maintains good skin and hair health.
  6. Always keep your hairs moisturized with beer: This treatment once a week will give you saloon smooth hairs. Rinse your wet hairs with beer and massage your scalp for around 20 minutes before washing them off thoroughly with cold water.

Our hair is our crowning glory. To make sure that we maintain the glory of our crown, we need to take charge of its natural beauty. Drink plenty of water, maintain a healthy diet and nurture your hairs with the right and natural products –  the keys to healthy, hearty, and strong hairs.