You probably dread opening your electricity bill. An SRP electric bill might make things a little easier for you, especially if you have had an energy management system installed. And if you don’t know about an energy management system, in other words, if you still have ludicrously high energy bills, it is time to give your energy supplier a call. Whether you are interested in bringing down your residential bills, your office bill or your commercial or industrial energy bills, you can do it with an energy management system. Your supplier will come and install it for you, and they will set it for you after consulting with you. An energy management system is also known as a load-sharing system. Basically, your heavy loads of electricity, which are your expensive loads of electricity, are shared amongst themselves. And your heavier loads are set to go offduring the off-peak electricity hours. Sound complicated? It is not, and it will bring your energy bill right down.

Are energy management systems new?

Energy management systems are not new. To reduce your SRP electric bill you only need to manage your electricity loads. People or suppliers have been offering these energy management systems for years. If your supplier does not offer an energy management system, you should change suppliers. While you can bring down your energy usage by being smarterwith the amount of electricity you use, being smarter is not going to bring your bills down by much. But putting in a smart electrical system is going to reduce your bills. And this is what your energy supplier should be doing for you.

What do you do next? Get out a copy of your electric bill and call your energy supplier. Tell them you want to lower your SRP electric bill and let them explain to you how.