When you need to find trustworthy wholesale deli food suppliers near me, it is not easy. For this reason, most restaurant vendor are forced to call in food orders from multiple suppliers and coordinate shipping schedules to ensure they have everything they need to manage their restaurant. Here are some questions you need to ask to ensure you are choosing the right vendor.

What are your payment options?

When it comes to dealing with payments for wholesale food suppliers, there are two main structured pricing options: cost plus percentage and cost plus the fixed price. As their titles may suggest, cost plus fixed means that you pay the cost of the products plus a fixed fee. On the other hand, cost plus percentage means that you pay the cost plus a percentage which is usually 5%.

It is important to negotiate for cost plus fixed because the cost of food is always rising and you need the right pricing to ensure you will not be thinning your margins soon.

What is their delivery quality?

The restaurant industry lives and dies by the shelf life of the inventory. When you are ordering a lot of ingredients weekly, it is easy to lose track of what products expire and when. It is, therefore, important to find a vendor with a record of on-time product delivery to build a solid professional relationship. Choose a supplier that sells fresh ingredients.

Do you have a maximum and minimum order?

When choosing wholesale deli food suppliers queensland, it is important to bear in mind inventory management. It is crucial to ensure your kitchen synchs well with the delivery requirements of your vendor. Does their minimum food order leave you with excess inventory? If so then it is a great way to find yourself with a lot of wasted food. Their maximum order quantity should also satisfy the needs of your kitchen.