When sitting for an F=MA exam, some students suffer brain fog due to stress, anxiety, and confusion. This makes them not to be able to learn and do their exam effectively. This happens due to the stress that comes with exams and due to the fear of exams.

Students apply all tricks and tips to ensure they pass their exams. They struggle to give their best possible performance. However, they do the mistake of applying all possible tricks and tips in a few days of exams. Due to exam fever, students may suffer from brain fog and this can be hinted with them feeling stress, anxiety, and exam fear. Here are some common traits of brain fog.

Lack of concentration and losing focus

Most students try to focus on their exam preparation but a few things come up and they get engaged in them. They can even start thinking about things and topics that aren’t relevant to their studies. These are some of the most common symptoms in students who do not have good concentration skills. However, exams are the most crucial times and students should implement the necessary measures to focus on their exams.

Not being able to remember things

When students begin their preparation for exams, the most common struggle is to remember all the concepts for the longer duration that they have done their F=MA exam prep. However, when students try to remember the concept they find out that most of the things they have learned are fading out, they forget their theorems and formulas. This is because they have to learn a lot of things and cover the entire course. They feel stressed after analysing the syllabus volumes for each course.

Short-term memory loss

The season for exams brings a lot of fear of results but it also causes confusion and irritability. It causes forgetfulness because students aren’t able to focus on the preparation they end up forgetting the small things such as their study materials, notebooks, and so on. This is referred to as short-term memory loss and during exams, it is common among students as they are scared and get anxious due to the fear of exams.

Lack of clarity

When students do not concentrate in their classroom while the teacher is teaching, they do not have clarity on what is being taught. During the exam season, it is very common with every exam, making the students think that they do not understand the concept and get thoughts such as thinking they thought they knew it but they cannot remember.

Dealing with brain fog

Students should know how to deal with brain fog to pass their F=MA exam. Students should practice yoga and meditation to increase their focus and concentration power. They should also practice with past papers and fix a schedule. They need to determine a schedule for their preparation and follow it regularly. The schedule will help them to keep track of their exam preparation and be able to organize their preparation.