Online business is developing rapidly and people are becoming more and more aware of the facilities they have in the hosting world. They also are aware of the limitations that shared hosting has and are turning to the virtual private server (VPS) for their developing business. Most of the SMBs and startups are looking to VPS hosting India plans as they find it more convenient and advantageous for their business growth.

Why is VPS hosting more feasible to the businesses?

VPS hosting involves creating of smaller virtual partitions of a bigger and powerful physical server giving each of its customers an independent server with resources as per the plans provided by the hosting company. In shared hosting, resources and the server is shared between number of customers with limited administrative access and features. VPS on the other hand gives the customer more privacy and security. Though shared hosting is more affordable than the VPS, the latter offers features that are comparable to what a dedicated server offers. But as the resources are shared in VPS, the expenses incurred too are shared among the clients making the packages cheaper than the dedicated hosting. In dedicated hosting the benefits and expenses are passed on to a single client and it works out to be more expensive than either VPS or shared hosting. VPS hosting India plans and packages are very affordable and ideally suitable to the growing needs of the clients.

Advantages to the customers with VPS hosting:

VPS hosting gives complete control to the clients. They can set up the operating system of their choice; install the software that their business demands and manage the server as they want.

VPS hosting India plans are affordable and find preference among the small and medium businesses and startups. The features offered match the functionalities of a dedicated server but at a lower cost.

The customer need not worry about the availability of resources. Even if one of the servers fails, the resources are automatically diverted from the other servers to ensure that the business is always running. Every customer is allocated an individual IP address and mail server that ensures that there are no intruders or visitors accessing with the customer’s account. In a dedicated server a customer consumes all the power and benefits alone. But in the VPS hosting India many consumers share the power consumption of the server thereby contributing to the green technology.

The VPS hosting India plans are flexible. The client has the choice of upgrading or downgrading from their existing plans as per their business needs. The client can install the software of their choice keeping in view the restrictions imposed like on pornographic content, hate speeches, bulk mailers etc. Since the business requires the servers to be running at all times, the host ensures there is no lapse in the speed and performance with constant monitoring by their support team via ticket, mail, phone or online chat.

Operating system options with VPS hosting:

The clients get the option to select the operating system of their choice between Linux and Windows. Both Linux and Windows OS have many similar qualities but again come with some features that may not be possible with the other.

The Linux VPS hosting India packages are lesser expensive compared to Windows plans. Windows is a commercial framework owned by Microsoft and every product comes with a free. Linux on the other hand is an open source and does not attract any license fees. Linux is compatible with programs like PHP, python, CGI, Perl etc. Windows OS comes with the popular and easy to use GUI interface. It is also mandatory for websites to use the Windows OS if they run on technologies like .NET, ASP, Microsoft Access, MSSQL etc. The Plesk control panel is smoother than the cPanel control panel of the Linux OS.

The VPS hosting India plans are suitable and the best way to move for a business to perform better. The packages are well designed and the hosting providers offer very good enterprise web hosting plans also. The features here include premium hardware, unlimited bandwidth, online web builder and many more. VPS hosting server does not overlap and allows many processes to run on the same server making it more efficient giving the user more options to ensure better productivity.