Breast cancer is considered to be one of the most common cancers to affect women around the world. Even in India, the increasing incidence of breast cancer amongst women is alarming. Over the past few decades, several initiatives have been taken to increase awareness about breast cancer. Declaring the month of October as Breast cancer awareness month is one such initiative.

Lumps are possibly one of the most famous symptoms of breast cancer. Detecting a lump can be a cause of instant panic for many. But are lumps necessarily cancer? Dr Rohan Khandelwal, best breast cancer specialist in Gurgaon sheds some light on breast lumps and what they could mean.

Contrary to popular belief, breasts lumps are quite common. They are usually benign, especially if they are present in younger women. However, every lump in any part of your body should always be examined by a doctor. Let us now look at the different types of breast lumps and what they mean.

Based on their biopsy, breast lumps are broadly classified into two categories: Benign and Malignant tumour.

Benign breast lumps

Lumps are formed by the uncontrolled multiplication of certain types of cells. If these cells are non cancerous, they are considered to be benign lumps. 80% of all reported breast lumps are in fact benign tumors. The most common benign breast condition which can result in lumps include

  • Fibrocystic changes also called benign breast disease is a condition which affects almost half of the female population in the world. It is caused due to the changing hormone levels in our menstrual cycle, resulting in the formation of multiple, small cysts or fluid filled sacs. They are common amongst menstruating women especially over the age of 20. The lumps may grow in size and become more tender right before your period causing your breast to feel painful and swollen. This pain is called cystic mastitis and should resolve once you are done with your period. The cysts may gradually disappear after menopause.
  • Fibroadenomas are solid lumps made up of fibrous and glandular tissue. They are commonly seen in women ranging between the ages of 18-35. They are movable when palpated and need not be painful. However, they may feel a little tender right before your period.
  • Papillomas are small wart-like lumps that can develop in the lining of the mammary ducts. Women with papillomas may experience unusual clear or bloody nipple discharge.

Malignant breast lumps

Malignant breast lumps or tumours are those which grow and invade surrounding tissue if left untreated. These cancerous tumours can grow into the lymph nodes before breaking away and spreading to the rest of the body via the bloodstream. In the initial stages, when the tumour is still limited to the breast tissue, the cancer is said to be in the early stages. Detecting cancer at this stage is essential as it offers the best chance of complete recovery from cancer. Treatment options go down drastically as the cancer spreads in the body.

It is essential to remember that the only way to differentiate between benign breast lumps and malignant tumours is to perform a biopsy. Hence, getting any unusual growth or lump in the breast checked by a medical professional is essential. On  accurate diagnosis, effective breast cancer treatment can be implemented which will save from any casualty.

Even lumps can be detected at late stages. As a result of which the patient might require much more complex treatments. If detected in the early stages, breast cancer can even be treated by just chemotherapy, enabling the patient to avoid surgery. Dr Rohan Khandelwal, Breast cancer specialist at the CK Birla Hospital, known to be one of the best hospital for breast cancer in Gurgaon with a dedicated breast centre, recommends annual screening with mammograms for women over the age of 40. Prior to this, women must go for a complete checkup including gynecology checkup every one year. This along with routine breast self examination will enable them to familiarise themselves with their breasts. This will in turn help them catch any abnormalities at the earliest. Remember, early detection is the best protection against breast cancer.

To speak to Dr Rohan Khandelwal and assess your risk of breast cancer, you can simply book an appointment here.