Getting through GATE exam is definitely not cakewalk. The negative marking and the increasing number of GATE aspirants make it even more competitive and complicated as this exam comes with negative marking. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), is amongst the highly anticipated and most difficult exam in the country. Though one can appear for GATE exam any number of times as there is no limit to the number of attempts, yet failing at the exam would only mean ruining another precious year of your life. It is also crucial with respect to the current scenario whereby career planning takes on the centre stage and every single moment will define the coming years of your life. Well, there many students who opt for self study while others enrol at coaching institute for kick starting their preparation. The above average students who have studied sincerely at college can definitely study at home while the not so serious ones are recommended to enrol for GATE coaching classes. 
The prima facie concern that encompass GATE exam is make as many less mistakes as possible. One should only mark the answer if he’s confident enough, otherwise one should restrain from marking the wrong answers that might cost him upon those crucial marks at the final exam. It also depends upon your preparation of the exam and that solely depend on the manner how seriously you prepared for the exam. It is important to realize that no two individuals are same. Each one of us has different calibre, mindset, earning capabilities and also the constraints vary for all. 
GATE coaching institute helps maintain the momentum of studies by delivering a well planned schedule that can be employed effectively by GATE aspirants for securing five star results at the final exam. Nevertheless, the million dollar question is whether the GATE coaching institutes have any role to play in keeping check on the progress of the students. There is plethora of GATE coaching institutes mushrooming in every nook and corner of the city that promise to provide absolute coverage of syllabus. Nevertheless, the expensiveness of these coaching institutes is a major factor attributing to its non approachability. Well, if you are heading to join GATE coaching, one should have a check on its track record. It is important to know whether the faculty is experienced enough because cases have been reported when the faculty itself hasn’t ever appeared for GATE exam so it’s evident they won’t be versed with exam pattern and the crucial tit bits which could have only been known to the GATE aspirants of previous years.
A major disadvantage of joining GATE coaching is that you lose upon precious time while travelling to coaching centre that could have been fruitfully utilised in studies. Also, many a time it so happens that the students enrolled in coaching restrict them to study material promised at the coaching centres which limits their vision and severely impact the overall performance at the final exam.
Evidently, coaching cleanses are not everybody’s cup of tea. It best suited for those who have invested their time, attention and money.

Well, self study is not always recommended for an exam like GATE, so it’s better not to take chances and regret later. It’s difficult to explain the kind of discipline, sincerity and guidance that one avails with coaching centre. Also self study comes with a lot of distraction that might be sometime very difficult to avoid like internet, friends, a family member or any uncalled visitors. Self assessment also becomes very difficult when it comes to self study option.