Using an APS electric bill estimator is one of the best ways to budget for your monthly bills. Budgeting your bills is an important part of being a responsible person. You can have enough money to pay your bill without worrying about it but it is still an excellent idea to watch your energy usage and ensure your bills are correct. You will need to find out the electricity usage of each device and appliance in your home to calculate your energy bill. It is not difficult to find out how much electricity each of your appliances uses and know how to calculate your electricity bill.

Calculating electricity usage

When it comes to calculating electricity usage, the first thing to do is to find out the number of watts of electricity each of your devices and appliances is using in a day. You can do this by multiplying the wattage of each appliance by the number of hours you use your appliance in a day. When you do this, it gives you watt-hours but you need kilowatt-hours. This means you should divide the number by one thousand. This will now give you the kWh electricity usage per day of the device or appliance. You can estimate the usage per month by multiplying the sum by 30. This is the average number of days in a month.

Calculating the cost of running electrical items

Using energy management systems, you can be able to calculate the cost of running your electrical items. You can buy electricity usage monitors at around 25 dollars to 50 dollars. These will monitor the usage of devices that function at 120 volts. You may find that your monitor can’t measure the usage of electricity of your large appliances.

When using an electricity monitor, all you have to do is to plug it into an outlet and plug the device into it. When the device is turned on, the monitor displays a reading of the number of watts the device uses at that time. The display can also be read after a day, an hour or longer to find out the total energy the device uses within that period.

You should find a monitor that gives you the ability to enter the electric rate of your utility as it will then give you accurate estimates of how much the device costs you each day.

Calculating electricity cost for your appliances

To calculate the electricity cost of your appliances, you need to multiply the monthly usage by your electric rate as set by your electric plan or/and your utility company. If you are on a variable tariff then you may find that calculating the cost is not that easy. This is why an electricity usage monitor that gives you estimated costs may be important.

Calculating cost per kWh

Now that you have used your aps electric bill estimator to know the electricity cost for your appliances, you can calculate the cost per kWh to know how much money you pay per kWh. You should calculate this by multiplying the hours used per day with the appliance wattage and then divide by one thousand and multiply by the rate per kWh that your company charges.